A few years ago, I made a jump from PC to Mac. One of the things I really liked about the Mac was the iMessage, and that I could answer texts on the computer. But not everyone uses iMessage. all know what it’s’ like to answer texts on the phone. It’s amazing just how much work you can get done by texts, and we also know how much time texts can take up when trying to work. Pick up the phone, type on a tiny screen, send, put down phone. And repete, several times a day. Then i tried an app my cell phone carrier has for text messages for your computer. While this app has helped, I now have two messaging apps open, and you know how windows disappear on the computer. My local electronics store had a sale on a bluetooth keyboard that provide connection up to 4 different devices. It never worked great, switching just didn’t switch like it should. It was not long before i went back to the two messaging windows and back to m Mac Keyboard.
Then I met the Matias Wireless Aluminum Keyboard. You can pair up to 4 bluetooth devices, and it works flawlessly. What’s more, you can pair any Apple, Android or Windows System. The keyboard will act as a native component to that OS. (Reading the directions will tell you just how to do it)

Typing on this keyboard has taken a little getting used to. There is a bit more key travel then the standard Mac Keyboard. This has only taken me a day or two.
Switching between devices is simple, it’s one key press. There does not seem to be any lag in the process, unlike other keyboards I have tried. Its now a great tool on my desk.
I prefer classic Mac looks, but if you can choose between 4 color combinations-.Silver, Gold, Space Gray, and Rose Gold. You also can go back lit, and with or without a keypad.
Last thing to mention, they boast the battery can last up to 1 year. I will let you know how long it really lasts. I have a feeling that Matias will be very close to their claims.
You can check out all of the Matias Products, including Keyboards, and their iRizer line at https://matias.ca/products/
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