Monthly Archives: April, 2013

My Tour de Cure…. CONTINUES!

What I have come to realize and learned this weekend’s Tour de Cure. I have been training for this weekend for 2 and a half months. I thought that this was the ending to, a stopping point. I found out, It is a beginning. Everyone has a pas…sion for something, everyone has a cause that […]

15 days to the Tour de Cure for the American Diabetes Association

Only 15 days to go, and I have raised $667 to my goal of $2600. Awesome! But, I need help raising the rest of the goal. In fact, I accept the challenge of riding 65 miles and not the 30 I signed up for if I exceed my goal! Watch this video!  This is something […]

AfterShokz Music Gear when you need personal music and hear whats around you.

*****UPDATE***** I have had the opportunity to work with the Bluez Aftershokz. AWESOME! Now all the greatness with out the wires! I am in NY helping family run a family campground, and I use these constantly to listen for text/email/phone calls/and music while operating equipment. Of course, I also wear hearing protection. In a week […]