Tag Archives: Consumer Eletronic Show

Mini Style!

We have become very attached to our tablets. I know I hardly go anywhere with out my iPad mini now. Of course it being the mini, all of my other bags I have for the iPad are just a tad to big. Sometimes that’s fine, but other times I want something just for a small […]

This Jam can help you BURN Calories!

This Jam comes in a jar. This Jam comes in flavors. And this Jam can help you burn calories. HMDX Jam is a small bluetooth speaker that has Big sound. In fact, When I first paired this bluetooth speaker to my iPad, I was amazed by the sound, I actually looked around to see what […]

Blue Ant gets a Blue Ribbon with the “Ribbon”

Have you ever had a favorite pair of ear bud or earphones that you wished were bluetooth enabled? Have you gotten tired of cords? Or how about turning your car stereo or home theater in to the perfect iDevice receiver? Or how about that old pair of decent computer speakers?  Blue Ant had a solution […]

Now this is totally usefull!

I walked the isles of the iLounge yesterday, I think I got most of it covered. The iLounge is any and everything for the iDevice.  There is one thing that sticks out in my mind that I think almost every one can use. A gang usb power strip. How many of us have devices that […]

The biggest eletronic show in the world!

The Consumer Electronic Show, (CES) is just a few days away. This show is the show that I look forward to all year, and in fact is responsible for this blog being started. This year, I hope to tell you about some really cool additions for your iDevice, and compare many “on the go” charging […]