The biggest eletronic show in the world!

The Consumer Electronic Show, (CES) is just a few days away. This show is the show that I look forward to all year, and in fact is responsible for this blog being started. This year, I hope to tell you about some really cool additions for your iDevice, and compare many “on the go” charging systems. I also hope to bring you up to date on some docking stations for your iDevice, as well as different ways to listen (and talk in some cases) with your iPhone or iPad. I will cover cases and protection for both, and even iPad VOIP services. And that’s just the iDevice area.. I just got an invite to look at TV connect. It’s a first and only multi touch for Android. If there is an area of electronics you want me to look at, please let me know.

If the CES Show was not enough, PMA is also part of the show again this year. I will get to see what’s new in the world of photography at the same time. The only part I don’t like: I only have 4 days…. Start the Mission Impossible Theme

iPad cases and keyboards

Last Christmas, I got my wife an iPad. She finally took control of it a few days ago, because I won an iPad. (Special thanks to OptiCat, and their sponsor AP Exhaust Technologies the iPad is Awesome!) But during the time she graciously let me use her iPad, I found a few things that are a nice complement to the iPad…

We will start off by Cases and Keybords. I had the privlege of playing with three keyboards. Two from Matias and one from Seal Shield. I also had about 2 minutes to play with the Zagg Folio.

We will start out with the Zagg Folio. $99 Loved it, and the keybord was styled to slow down your typing. slower typing will give less mistakes. What was unique about this was the hard shell case. I really wish I had more time to work with this keybord and case, but my blog is not big enough for

The next case/keybord combo I got to play with is from Seal Shield. Their keyboard is dishwasher safe, but it was stuck to the leather case. The keyboard seems to have hard keys, meaning you really have to hit the key hard to make it register. I gave up after a few months. I do like the anti-bacterial design, very clean-able. I also loved the LONG battery life, and the long wait before it turned it self off. If your in a class, and making a note here and there, its nice to know the keyboard will respond instantly instead of having to “wake up”

The next keyboard  I got to try were from a Canadian Company called Matias. The first was a full size folding keyboard. The pro was it was a full size keyboard, but to many that might also be a con. It was easy to type on, but what I did not like was the three minutes and it was asleep. For taking notes in a class, it was difficult, due to this feature. You would be half way through the note before you realized it just woke up…

The second keybord from Matias was their slim keyboard. It plugs in USB to your computer, and hit a button, your typing on your iPad, iPod, or iPhone. Hit a button your back on your computer. The biggest con i see is that its a small keyboard with no number pad. After years of working with a normal keyboard, this took a while to get used to. For many it probably is not an issue, but I just realized I have been using the same cordless keyboard and mouse for about 10 years, I am very use to this. Other then that small thing (and i am sure its mostly my mindset) this is a great keyboard for the ones that work at a computer and have to answer texts. Now, if they only made a full size wireless keyboard and mouse combo that also had blue tooth that would connect to both your iPad and iPhone at the same time…

For me the winner is both Zagg Folio and the Matias slim keyboard. Please keep in mind I had only a few minutes to make up my mind about the Zagg Folio. If I had more time, i might not be as generous. Needless to say, I am still searching for the perfect keyboard for my iPad…

Cases: Again, so many to choose from. One of my favorites is not only a case that you can use your own smart cover, but also a stand with a base. The NuGuard Grip Stand, is sold by Other World Computing. I wish they made leather case that was thick enough to use something like this. It takes a little to get the iPad into this case, and it still leaves the front exposed. (you can use one of the magnet folding covers if you wished). Now that I have an iPad 3, I need to get the shell, the iPad two case looks like it will work, but, trust me, after a glass repair, I know it does not fit as good as I hoped.

Other World Computing does make a nice leather Folio, the Slim Leather Folio that has a simple but very functional design, and it will work with all full size iPads. These have the feel of luxury leather but does not add a whole bunch of extra bulk to the case. And it even has the on/off wake function so if you forget to turn off your iPad, your covered. To me it’s kind of like dress up for your iPad….

So far, my favorite case I have for the iPad is a Leather case I got at Fry’s for a wopping $15 with rebate. Go figure…

CES 2013

I love the holidays. Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and then ring in the new year, then, CES. For new readers, CES is the worlds largest electronic show. Name a gadget for electronics, it’s there! And now the PMA show is combined into it, it completes my holiday season.  This year, there is a lot of focus on the i evolution, (iPhone,iPads) and all the accessories. Along with that there is a huge showing this year about ear buds and head sets to listen to your music. And with portable speakers getting smaller, and wireless getting bigger, I bet i will have a lot of typing to do as I listen to music on these great devices. If there is anything special you want to know about let me know, And I will hunt it down at CES!

Newtown, CT.

On Friday, December 14th, A gunman shot and killed 20 six and seven year old children, six educators, and his mother in Newtown Ct. Where is God?

Like the rest of the country, I grieve. I hurt. I am angry. I am sad. I am in disbelief. I struggle to find words of comfort for anyone that wants to talk about this. About the only thing I can say is, I don’t wonder where God is. Sadly, I don’t know how convey my feelings that God is very close to all of us. I don’t want to sound like a smell good, look good, talk good Christian, or sound like this is the wrath of God either. I do know that God will not waste this hurt. And at the end, even things in all of this will bring God glory.

The comforting hand of God is on the nation, as we all morn. The random acts of kindness, love, and compassion being showered on Newtown in their time of need, I want to believe, is God at work. At least that is how I feel. I don’t have scripture to back any of it up. Its just how I want to believe.

I ask you all to pray, and ask God for the direction of the country, in regards to gun laws, mental health issues, and how we as a nation can come together to help prevent things like this happening again. It’s not just one issue, it’s a combination of several. I know that God has the perfect answer.

I also ask you to pray for not only the families of the victims, but for everyone involved. From the first responders, and the media, to the trash man working a little longer this week. I can’t think how I would react as a photojournalist. I have seen the haunting images of emotional trama. I am sure this affects the photographer that took the shot as much as everyone who sees. So if you get a chance, also pray for the people we never think about.

The problem is not the goverment, it’s us….

The problem does not lie in our goverment, it lies in us. I know this is a hard pill to swallow for many of you. You have to take some blame on your self instead of blaming something or some one else.

Obama said himself that the United States of America is not a Christian Nation any more. So, why is that? Our government is in a huge debt, why is that? Many people lost their homes due to the forclosure crises. Why is that?

Simple. we have individully as a nation, turned from God. How many of you think, Sunday is my only day of rest, I am not going to church today. Or I am busy enough, I don’t have time for church? Ahhh. and you still wonder why we are not a “Christian Nation” We have turned from God and stopped following Him. We stopped sharing His word. Less people that know his word will mean less Christians. Less Christians will mean less polical figures that are Christian in a public office. See a pattern here?

The Bible is simple. God first. But many of us have put God second, third, fourth, or even further down their list. God is not first in our life, how can he be first in our Country.

Christ told us to share his word. If we are sharing his word, then more people will follow Christ. If more people are following Christ, then we would have more Christians in office running our country. We would have more Christians working with other Christians in office. When there are Christians together there is fellowship, there is a higher level of accountability.  But it takes effort. It means going to church. It means going to small groups, Sunday school. And yes, Wednesday Night Bible Studies. It means put God in front of your self. It means give God control in your life. So you dont want to give control? Is your life in control now?

Church is about Worshiping. Worshiping a God that Loves us. Loves us so much that he GAVE his only Son as a payment for our sins. We want a hand out? BAM! There it is. We want a bail out? BAM! Church is Worshiping, and its learning, and it’s fellowship. If Church to you is about politics, then find another church.

Our national debt. Brought on by bail outs. Bail outs due to foreclosures. If people took time to research how much they could actually afford in buying a house, instead of letting the banks say you can afford this, do you think we would have had so many foreclosures? Wait, if there were more Christians helping other Christians in public office…

So you have a choice. Do you want the nation to be a Christian Nation? Do you really want Hope and Change? Christ will give us Hope and Will Change us, if we ask Him to.

Gloves for touch screens? USB Charging Port at your eletrical outlet? Cool!

Living in Las Vegas, it usual does not get cold enough to wear gloves. But there is that occasion in the evening where there is just enough chill while walking the dog where gloves are nice. But then, you get a call, a text, or an e-mail. If your gloves are not to bulky our phone might not be hard to get to. Of course, your gloves will not do much good on that touch screen. So now, as our dog pulls you along and you fumble with your gloves and phone. We have all been there! Ok, maybe not walking the dog, but we all have had gloves not working on touch screens. Other World Computing has a solution. Nu Touch Gloves in small, medium, large and extra large. I keep a pair in my camera bag because they are thin enough that I can still make adjustments to the camera, but use the gloves on a touch screen. I have a second pair that i keep around with all my other “winter gear”

Now, how many times have you had to plug in a power strip to your wall outlet to accommodate a huge adapter  to charge your Cell, and Bluetooth. and the lamp or clock. Once again, OWC has an incredible solution! They have “Power to You” outlets that fit where your old electrical outlet is, and has two normal electrical outlets and two USB outlets. If you have an older house, it may be a tight fit to replace the outlet, but it can be done. Now, If every Hotel, Airport, Starbucks, would have a few of these around, I could stop carrying a power strip!.



Our God has a sence of humor!

My wife and I have been praying about the idea of moving east. I am from the east coast, and my wife is from the mid west, and well we are fish out of water in the desert. Our prayer was answered a few weeks ago, well kinda.

Our Pastor retired, and he and his wife moved to TN. Their house is one mile EAST of us, and they offered to rent us their house. The house is twice the size of our house now. We couldn’t refuse. So, God answered a prayer about moving east.. It’s a reminder to be precise when you pray. I wonder if God gives a little chuckle when he answers a prayer this way…..

Has God showed you his sense of humor? Please share how God sense of humor has impacted your life.

Using your Tallents

I had the pleasure of watching a video of Lee Stroble, the author of the Cause for Christ, on our church website. I was away photographing the NASCAR Races in Fontana when he visited our church. His testimony was awesome to listen to. It made me think of his talent as a journalist and how he set out to disprove God, Christ, and the whole Christian thing. God gave him the talents to investigate and research. That talent led him to Christ. Now he uses that talent to share his findings, and how he came to know and understand Christ. It’s pretty amazing when you consider what led up to the time when he became a Christian. How many years before that day did God start working in Lee? Wow.

What talents do you have that you use for the Kingdom of God? What tallents do you have to bring glory to the risen King?

ThinkTankPhoto Slingo-O-Matic 30

ThinkTankPhoto Slingo-O-Matic 30         

I love ThinkTank products, each bag has had a lot of thought put into it’s use and it’s function. I can see where the Sling-O-Matic line  can be the absolute perfect bag for some. Walking around downtown, or a stroll through a park, this is a perfect bag. Plenty of room to carry what you need, and fairly quick to sling it around. Though, best to loosen the strap and lower your “workspace”. This takes some practice. I can see my self using this bag when I go to down town Vegas, or “The Strip” to shoot the neon lights. However I don’t see this as a functional bag for shooting motorsports. With that said, keep in mind what does work for me, might not work for you, and what works for you may not work for me. I am a utility belt kind of guy, and as much as I love the concept of the Sling Bag, I cant seem to adapt to use it.

While it was great during a convention, working in very crowded conditions was not easy. I also found the bag packed with a Mark III and a 100-400, Flash, 24-70 2.8 and a 17-35, my shoulders and back were a bit sore. Keep in mind that this is pro equipment, and not very light.

Ingenuity is an unspoken trademark of all ThinkTank Products, and the Sling-O-Matic line is no exception. It is very easy to move the strap so you can sling over either shoulder. This will help the people (Like My Self) who tend to feel the pains of being a photographer. The operation of the bag stays the same on either shoulder. It has plenty of dividers so you can customize how it hold your gear. It can also hold a 15 inch laptop, tablet, iPad with a pocket made for just that reason


This bag is perfect for photographers who are not big pro glass users, with a lighter assortment of lenses and bodies. I would not hesitate to take this bag on a hike, on a local shoot, or on a walk when you “just have to have a camera with you” times.I would not use this bag as a shoot all day bag, like at an all day wedding or convention.The Sling-O-Matic 30 has plenty of uses, and for some this will be the absolute bag that you can’t live with out!

The ThinkTankPhoto Product I will review will be the Speed Racer 2.0.


Think Tank Photo’s Airport Security

Airport-Security-V-20-Rolling-Camera-Bag-4[1]ThinkTank Photo is an incredible company, and makes incredable gear for the photographer. The Airport Security is an incredible bag. Simply, It holds all your gear. (I know a photographer that has two bodies, 17-35mm, 24-70 mm, 70-200 mm, and a 400 F2.8, mono pod, chargers, flashes and a few other things in his)


Key features:

  • TSA Airport Locks-If you ever have to put this bag in the general baggage population, have no fear, it stays locks but TSA can unlock and lock it after inspection
  • Room: Lots of it, and you can custom configure the inside to fit what you want it to.
  • Durable wheels, makes it easy to roll through the airport, parking lots, city streets
  • When you’re in a pinch, turn it into a back pack!
  • Rain Cover
  • Cable to lock the bag down in your car trunk, at the table, or anywhere you might need to lock it down
  • It looks like a rolling luggage bag. It does not scream “I AM A CAMERA BAG!”

For the traveling photographer, this is a must have bag. I have had mine now for 4 years, and still rolling strong.

ThinkTank Photo is one of the very few companies I know of that I like just about everything they make. I have yet to see something that I could not use in one situation or another. It’s like these guys are working photographers first and then plan out the bags..