Author Archives: Doug

NewTrent Keyboard Case Combo: The Airbender

This review is typed on the NewTrent AirBender . This is actually the second AirBender from New Trent, the first was a demo from CES, and the space bar was well, spacey. So, this review starts out with the A+ customer service. The process was quick and painless, I had a replacement in less then […]

STM Bags has you covered!

I was recently sent a few items from the STM Bag Collection, including the Skinny, Scout 2 and the Nomad Laptop Bag. Starting off with the Skinny, This great case seems to offer some nice protection with a hard shell case that has great corner protection. I like the fact that the iPad is easy […]

This Jam can help you BURN Calories!

This Jam comes in a jar. This Jam comes in flavors. And this Jam can help you burn calories. HMDX Jam is a small bluetooth speaker that has Big sound. In fact, When I first paired this bluetooth speaker to my iPad, I was amazed by the sound, I actually looked around to see what […]

Some exciting blogs comming up

With in the next month, There will be a few interesting blogs about ways we use our iDevices in our cars, SUV’s  and trucks. It’s amazing at just how much the iDevices can do. From GPS to OBD 2 reading, to music and videos, and everything in between. Another series I am working on doing, […]

Almost perfect: 2 Skinny by Hatch & Co.

As mentioned in a previous blog, I have been working with the 2-Skinny by Hatch & Co.  If you are the type that only uses a keyboard at a desk, and like me, need the sound when the key is pressed, the only con you might have is in a quiet atmosphere, like a class […]

Blue Ant gets a Blue Ribbon with the “Ribbon”

Have you ever had a favorite pair of ear bud or earphones that you wished were bluetooth enabled? Have you gotten tired of cords? Or how about turning your car stereo or home theater in to the perfect iDevice receiver? Or how about that old pair of decent computer speakers?  Blue Ant had a solution […]

The X-Mini “Pop Up” Speakers

The weeks after the Consumer Electronic show for me is like a few weeks of an electronic playground with things for me to test and play with. I had to be quick with playing with the X-Mini speakers, because my wife loves them so much they visit her at work every day. I am not sure […]

Bible Study Continues: Colossians 1:24-29, 2:1-5

I was ill last week, so I missed the bible study last week. Colossians 1:24-29, 2:1-5 Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. I have become […]

A nice refit!

How many of you have two or three mag lights in your tool box, and two or three cheep LED flash lights in that same tool box? They take up a lot of space don’t they? TerraLux has a inexpensive solution for all your heavy duty Mag Lights. For your two-three cell light, try the […]

Early Morning Dew

One morning in Northern NY, I was waiting for weather to clear to do some aerial photography in the 1000 Islands Region. The fog was quit heavy this particular morning. Personally I love these kind of mornings. Living in the desert, I don’t get mornings like this. The images below is just a few of […]