Go undercover tech geek!

One of the coolest items I seen at CES this year was the Tech Slinger (www.techslinger.com). It’s a harness for your tablet, cellphone, and who knows what else you might have to carry. It can be a single or double sling. The Tech Clinger!

I used CES to test out the Tech Sling. I must say a full size iPad3 AND a iPad mini were comfortable to carry all day in the Techslinger.  But comfort is only part of the greatness. Each tablet was easy to get to. For this test I used the TechSling Sport. I did have to make a modification for the Mini, but that’s only because the unit I received to test was more of a first generation unit. They have much more of a selection, including a sling pouch just for the mini. In fact, all the ideas I had given to Techslinger I was met with, yes, our newest has that!

Under-Cover Tech Geek!Now about the go undercover tech geek: This will easily hide under your jacket. No one will ever know that your secretly a tech geek. No one will see the tablet unless you pull it out..

This is a perfect way to carry your Tablet, and cell phone, and a few other small items.  If you count on your tablet for work, this is for you. I see many different variations that can be done, (and are being done) and look forward to seeing TechSlinger evolve. I can see them specializing slings for occupations down the road.



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