How strong is your integrity?

Yesterday, a lead reporter for left his position. And it’s because of a dispute between Dish Network, and’s parent company, CBS. Apparently, voted Dish Network’s Dish Hopper the best of CES. CBS said they can’t be because of litigation with Dish Network. I applaud Gregg Sadoval for standing up for what he believes in, even at the cost of his Job.  You can read the whole story at the Washington Post Website. This brings me to the question, How deep is your integrity? Would you risk everything you know as security to stand up to your belief? It’s easy for us to say “I would, no question”. But until we are faced with a situation, we don’t know how we would act. Peter denied Jesus three times, After he told Jesus he wouldn’t. Mark 14:29-31.I think we are like Peter. We want to do what we know is right. We want to so bad that we even proclaim that we will.  But, in Mark 14:66-72  Peter Disowns Jesus. It’ was easy for Peter to tell Jesus that he would not disown Him. Then he was faced with the situation.

Often as a believer in Christ, we say we will never do this or that, or that we would do this if that happened. It’s so easy for us to speak the life style of a Christian. But our testimony is when we live our faith. Sometimes our strongest words are not spoken. Is Gregg Sandoval a Believer? I don’t know. But I see he is a person of integrity.

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