And now, coverage of CES really begins…

Now that the worlds largest electronic convention, The Consumer Electronic Show (or CES) is over, The real coverage can begin. I have four boxes of things to go through, each box with lots of things for me to blog about. Some I can blog about right away, others, I need a chance to play with them, test them out, and give you my two cent tour and opinion. I have right now, 7 blue tooth devices, three keyboards, two sets of speakers, The  I’m Watch,  cleaning solutions, cradles, and a lens set for the iPhone to tell you about. (That’s just off the top of my head, I have 4 boxes full of stuff to tell you about) I got some really neat photo gadgets for the iPhone, that It just may inspire a new category on my blog. How about a iPhotography category? just how car can we push our camera in our phone?

I will not be one to get over tech-ish in my review process. I rather give my opinion on how functional the products are, how easy to set up and use. I hope to give enough information to the tech savvy but also give confidence to the technology challenged that they too can feel confidant if they brought it. I will add, your feedback is greatly appreciated and important. Feel free to ask questions about anything I blog about.

Now, It’s the weekend. I am going to take some time and relax this weekend, spend time with my awesome wife, friends, and enjoy some time with God.

Down the road, ya’ll



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