The biggest eletronic show in the world!

The Consumer Electronic Show, (CES) is just a few days away. This show is the show that I look forward to all year, and in fact is responsible for this blog being started. This year, I hope to tell you about some really cool additions for your iDevice, and compare many “on the go” charging systems. I also hope to bring you up to date on some docking stations for your iDevice, as well as different ways to listen (and talk in some cases) with your iPhone or iPad. I will cover cases and protection for both, and even iPad VOIP services. And that’s just the iDevice area.. I just got an invite to look at TV connect. It’s a first and only multi touch for Android. If there is an area of electronics you want me to look at, please let me know.

If the CES Show was not enough, PMA is also part of the show again this year. I will get to see what’s new in the world of photography at the same time. The only part I don’t like: I only have 4 days…. Start the Mission Impossible Theme

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